In early July, beverage makers as varied as Nestlé, Tree Top, and newcomer Treo introduced varieties of flavored, functional water – dubbed “value-added water” – targeting both children and adults. The category includes regular and low-calorie enhanced waters, flavored water, alkaline water, and essence water. Between 2018 and 2019, Beverage Marketing Corp., which tracks the category separately from bottled water, said volume grew 8.5 percent and retail sales grew 10.6 percent, the most significant change of any other category. New entrants include Fruity Water from Nestlé SA’s Pure Life brand intended for children, and Tree Top’s (Yakima, Wash.) Fruit+Water, a low sugar beverage packaged in pouches. Chopt Creative Salad Co., recently introduced Free Rain, a functional sparkling water line that focuses on the functional benefits of energy, focus and calm.
[Image Credit: © Nestlé]