Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey says the lessons the company has learned from the coronavirus experience in China will serve to guide it in the months, and possibly years, ahead, but those lessons may not fit all countries’ situations. In a conference call with investors, Quincey said there are three phases in the Chinese response to COVID-19, the first of which was social distancing. China now has entered the stage representing the “graduated re-opening of society, still with the specter of the virus over us, with the reality of an impacted economy.” Following that stage will be what can be called the new normal. For the time being, Coca-Cola has “paused” its brand marketing spend due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Quincey said, and its “earliest re-engagement” will work alongside “the recovery in China.” Anticipating such as recovery, the company is planning key moves with bottlers to regain momentum, including “our pre-summer sales promotion and increased cooler placement.” Quincey noted that the lessons learned by Coke in China may not be globally applicable.